Buy an Ad in the Program
We produce a beautiful, professionally designed letterhead size Pops Program that is a wonderful keepsake every year. If you have a business or would like to show your personal support for our performers, you can support Pops by buying an ad and becoming a part of the program! Ads start at $30 for a 1/8th-page ad and range up to $135 for a full-page ad.
Full Page-$135
7 ½”W x 10”H
Half Page-$70
7 ½”W x 4⅞”H
Quarter Page-$35
¼: 3 ⅝”W x 4⅞”H
Eighth Page-$30
⅛: 3 ⅝”W x ~2¼”H
Ads will be printed in a letterhead-size printed program. All ads are black and white, except the front and back inside covers in 4-color and submitted as a JPG file, be 100% (using inches) of the actual ad size and 300 DPI. Please send it to, by March 8th.